User Experience and Agile – Meetup report

I used to work with a chap called James. When I met him, he was known as a User Centred Designer (UCD) , and I worked with him on some of the projects that I have previously written about on this site. We hope to collaborate on some articles on here in the future.

These […]

Going Extreme! My first taste of agile.

In 2004, I started working on a project where the lead developer said, “I’d like to use Extreme Programming”, also known as “XP”. This bemused me slightly, as it conjured up images of white water rafting, and ironing in strange places. […]

Change and improvement

I probably don’t have to tell you that the lean concept in software development is adapted from the automobile manufacturing industry. In this podcast episode, a really interesting case study is shown where continuous improvement by reducing “waste” was achieved at a cancer centre in Seattle by adapting the Toyota Production System to healthcare. […]