The story behind Guerrilla Training

I recently announced a new agile and lean training concept that I am calling Guerrilla Training. Here’s why I’ve called it that, and a bit more on the thinking behind it. […]

Net Promoter score

I was thinking about Net Promoter scores today because of Bernd’s video from LAST Conference about the Net Promoter System for Agile Companies (link below), the NPS data we collected from LAST Conference, and also because the training session that Neil and Craig’s ran yesterday got a pleasing NPS. I was glad to hear this news, because it was the first training day in my new Guerrilla Training series. […]

Introducing: Agile Business Analysis course.

Agile Business Analysis course

I have developed a course called “Agile Business Analysis”, that I am offering to the public on December 10-11 2012, in Melbourne. The 2 day course covers the principles underpinning agile development, and how as a business analyst you can be involved in agile projects. […]