Experiment with the Melbourne Agile and Scrum Meetup community


This is a version of an email I sent to the 5000+ members of the Melbourne Scrum and Agile meetup group, in February. I’ve been involved in organising this group, along with others like Craig Brown, since 2011.

This post is intended to be a record to point people in the group to, […]

What we can learn from the lean car plant, NUMMI

The story of NUMMI, a now defunct car plant in California is fascinating, and can teach us a lot about culture change and collaboration in an organisation. […]

Software Development is Hard. Updated.

A while back, I put up a previous version of this primer talk that I sometimes do. Most recently to a group of projects managers at the Department of Business and Innovation, here in Melbourne. I thought I’d share the latest version, and you can see it below.

Software development is hard […]